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Protecting the Music We Love: An Ariana Grande Fan Project

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

Written By: Katie Bresnahan

We all know the agony of waiting in a security line at a concert. You’re not thrilled by the idea of that security guard rummaging through your bag to discover the wallet, chapstick, tampon, and mysterious yet inevitable crumbs rolling around the bottom of your bag. But they’re the most important person you’ll see that night. Physical safety at concerts and large events has become a priority for not just venue owners but artists and bands themselves. Fans should feel safe and secure while enjoying the music they love; however, hate and violence threaten that magical environment that we chase. The New York Times reported that on Monday, May 22nd, 2017, an ISIS suicide bomber attacked the Manchester Arena, where Ariana Grande was performing that night. The explosions killed 22 young concertgoers and wounded 59 more. Two weeks after the attack, Ariana Grande organized the One Love Manchester benefit concert to remind her fans that no matter how dark things get, love must remain in our hearts.

It's been two years since the Manchester attack, and Lucy from Stoke is organizing a fan project for Ariana’s Sweetener World Tour to honor the victims of the bombing. She’s been a fan of Ariana for three years now. “I’d say I probably connect with the honesty she has in her songs. It’s as though she’s not afraid to admit how she’s feeling and I think that’s really brave and relatable,” Lucy remarks. When asked what the project means to her, Lucy’s response was heartfelt and sincere: “Well, I thought that the Manchester victims, not just the ones that were hurt but everyone who was affected, didn’t get enough recognition for how brave they are. The sign that I created has the classic Ariana pink colour and the worker bee to represent Manchester. The project means a lot to me since music has always been my safe space and for it to become a danger that night was just awful. I want to make sure we all spread love to each other and especially Ariana when she comes back to Manchester to tour. We want to show her how strong she is for carrying on through everything she’s been through.” Lucy is bringing together Ariana fans from every stop on the tour to participate in the Manchester Project. She says that “the amount of love and support [she’s] received is incredible.” She hopes that these signs will comfort Ariana in knowing that love has remained the focus, despite this tragedy.

Projects like this are a powerful tool for uniting a community. Creating signs can not only foster the relationship between artists and their fan bases but also bond music lovers together in accordance. Projects unite fans and represent what they do, don’t, and won’t stand for.

A big thanks to Lucy for letting us interview her! Keep up the encouraging and loving attitude!

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